Your business isn't just any business. It is a living monument to late-night homework and early-morning deadlines. An accumulation of sweat, equity and lifetime achievement.
The decision to sell your business can be the most important decision of your life. Turning your operation into cash is a complex affair involving hundreds of variables. You face an uncertain economy, unbridled competition, sophisticated buyers and, without professional guidance, you face them alone.
Business sales intermediaries have professionally orchestrated hundreds of business sales transactions.
With our worldwide affiliation, our members business offerings are regularly presented to numerous potential domestic and international buyers looking to relocate to our area.
Consider the Facts:
One out of four American businesses change hands each year.
The vast majority of all business sellers are first-time sellers, unprepared to meet the complexities and time demands of a business sale transaction.
"Do-it-yourself" sellers typically receive considerably less than the fair market value of their businesses.
Over 50% of all small-to-medium sized business sales arranged by sellers without professional help result in transactional problems, dissatisfaction or default.
Today's business buyer demands reliable financial and operational information that can be confirmed.
TCG Business Brokers specializes in business sales and acquisitions of firms ranging in price from $10,000 to over $10,000,000. As we have sold about every category of business, we invite your review of our high level of ethics and performance by contacting them for clients we have served.
We are selective and are highly successful. We have policies of representing those clients who have a desire to see the continuing success of their business under the guardianship of a new owner.